Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 3 nominations

Sorry for the delay in nominations but better late than never.

The Right Reverend, Houston Nutt, Ole Miss:
Houston Nutt may earn himself a Mississippi State clause by the time this season is done. The king of oversigning shows again just how dirty he is with the whole Masoli incident and then after all that he goes out and loses to Jax St. and now gets beat convincingly by Vanderbilt. Yes, the same Vandy whose coach up and quit right before the start of the season!

Turner Gill, Kansas
What the hell is going on with KU? First they lose to a 1-AA team, then they upset GA Tech, now they get blown out by Southern Miss?

Jeff Tedford, Cal
Losing to Nevada isn't the worst thing, although it would have been an upset by itself but giving up 52 points and getting blown out down the stretch is definitely Zookworthy.

Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio, Florida
Yes, we did win the game by 2 scores but it took a fake punt (side note: Meyer is now 8-8 on fake punts all-time at UF) to get the momentum back and put the game away. The defense played fine other than one busted coverage but the playcalling is still atrocious and it seems people are finally starting to notice. Add to that Chris Rainey's arrest, the 30th arrest under Meyer at UF (and we no longer have Tim Tebow to balance out the arrests). Meyer says he is fed up with it. Well then here's a novel idea, coach: try giving players more than a slap on the wrist. Now if a kid gets arrested for underage drinking or something stupid like that, there's no need to suspend him -- and a lot of the 30 arrests are misdemeanors like that or driving with a suspended license. However, the players who commit serious felonies need to know there are serious consequences, like getting kicked off the team for a whole season. Carlos Dunlap is passed out at a green light with a .18 BAC, 4 days before the SEC title game, and he gets reinstated for the bowl game. Is it any surprise that Frankie Hammond does the same thing a few months later (he was going 45 and swerving in a 20mph zone on campus with 2 open whiskey bottles). He knew he'd get a slap on the wrist and after some tough talk, was reinstated for Tenn and caught a TD pass last Saturday. We'll probably see Rainey back for the Bama game if history is any precedent. By then he probably won't be the latest arrest anymore anyway.

I guess that's it for this week. I'm tempted to nominate Zook for having to come from behind to beat NIU but I'm sure he'll have worse performances than that in the weeks ahead. We'll post the final winners tomorrow.

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