We have reached the midpoint in the regular season and so without further ado, its time to check the Zook Awards standings and season-to-date summary and hand out some awards and bonus points! Note that these do not include the yet-to-be-released week 8 awards.
Overall Midseason Point StandingsTotal number of nominations in parenthesisUrban Meyer & Steve Addazio, Florida, 39 points (5)
Houston Nutt, Ole Miss, 20 points (3)
Tim Brewster, Minnesota, 19 points (3)
Turner Gill, Kansas, 18 points (4)
Les Miles, LSU, 13 points (3)
Frank Beamer, VA Tech, 11 points (1)
Butch Davis, UNC, 10 points (1)
Joe Paterno, Penn State, 10 points (1)
Rich Rodriguez, Michigan, 10 points (1)
Mike Locksley, New Mexico, 9 points (3)
Danny Hope, Purdue, 8 points (1)
Derek Dooley, Tennessee, 7 points (4)
Lane Kiffin, USC, 6 points (3)
Paul Hewitt, GA Tech, 4 points (1)
Doc Holliday, Marshall, 4 points (1)
Mack Brown, Texas, 3 points (1)
Rick Neuheisel, UCLA, 2 points (2)
Mark Richt, Georgia, 2 points (2)
Ron Zook, Illinois, 2 points (2)
Jimbo Fisher, FSU, 1 point (1)
Dan Hawkins, Colorado, 1 point (1)
Randy Shannon, Miami, 1 point (1)
Jeff Tedford, Cal, 1 point (1)
Midseason AwardsAs you can see, Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio are way out in front of the pack thanks to 3 straight wins in weeks 5, 6, and 7. However we feel that there are some coaches who also deserve an extra bit of recognition:
First coach fired award: Tim Brewster, Minnesota. Brewster earned a well-deserved and overdue pink slip, the first coaching casualty of the season. Not only was he fired but he was sent packing immediately a la Tommy Bowden and offensive coordinator Jeff Horton will take over for the rest of the season.
10 bonus points.Next on the chopping block award: Mike Locksley, New Mexico. The former Zook protege has somehow escaped an actual win so far this season, probably due in large part to the fact that no one pays any attention to New Mexico football. The Lobos are 117th of 120 with 13.6 points per game for and dead last with 44.1 points per game against. Locksley's career highlights include 1 win in 19 tries, a 1 game suspension for punching out an assistant, and 1 sexual harrassment lawsuit.
10 bonus points.We're going to bolt for a new conference and leave our coach behind award: Dan Hawkins, Colorado, who no one expects to ever coach a game in the Big XII. If Locksley is next on the chopping block, Hawkins will follow soon after.
5 bonus points.We forgot you were still there award: Paul Wulff, Washington State, proud owner of a 4-28 (1-21 PAC 10) record in his 2 1/2 seasons in Pullman. Wazzu is 1-6 this season with a 1 point win over Montana State.
10 bonus points.Mad Hatter clock management award: We decided the award itself needed to be named after Les Miles. Lucky for him he has that Satanic contract so we only award
5 bonus points.Worst analogy ever award: Derek Dooley, Tennessee, for comparing his team to the German army in World War II, awaiting the allied D-Day invasion. I'm sure Tennessee fans greatly appreciated being compared to Nazis.
5 bonus points.These midseason awards will be tacked onto the season standings. Now onto the week-by-week summary.
Week by week
Preseason: Butch Davis (10); Rich Rodriguez (10); Lane Kiffin (4); Houston Nutt, Les Miles, Derek Dooley (1)
Week 1: Houston Nutt (11); Turner Gill (10); Mike Locksley (4); Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio, Ron Zook (1)
Week 2: Frank Beamer (11); Paul Hewitt (4); Doc Holliday (4); Jimbo Fisher, Lane Kiffin, Dan Hawkins, Tim Brewster, Rick Neuheisel (1)
Week 3: Houston Nutt (8); Turner Gill (3); Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio (3); Jeff Tedford (1)
Week 4: Danny Hope (8); Tim Brewster (8); Mack Brown (3); Mike Locksley, Derek Dooley, Mark Richt (1)
Week 5: Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio (12); Les Miles (11); Derek Dooley (4); Mark Richt, Turner Gill, Lane Kiffin, Ron Zook (1)
Week 6: Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio (11); Joe Paterno (10); Mike Locksley (4); Les Miles, Randy Shannon, Rick Neuheisel, Derek Dooley (1)
Week 7: Urban Meyer & Steve Addazio (12); Tim Brewster (10); Turner Gill, Kansas (4)